Meet Dox Diggla.


It all started in Newark, New Jersey…

Born Jeffrey Gay, Dox was raised in a devout Christian household near one of the most notoriously violent urban areas in the U.S. Dox was a very inquisitive child with a unique perspective that was often rejected. He was frequently kicked out of Sunday school for asking what was perceived as blasphemous questions and once he realized how uncomfortable his perspective made others, he bottled them up until he began writing poetry as a teenager.

During his adolescent years, peers and teachers the same quickly noticed how talented he was as a writer. At the age of 13, he made a name for himself as one of the youngest poets to step food on stage at some of the most well known venues in the tristate area. As he entered young adulthood, he went on to college and had evolved into a very gifted author and speaker; but something was still missing.

He had witnessed God transform the lives of loved ones, notably his own sister, which inspired him to further delve into what his parents had been forcing onto him for the majority of his life. By the age of 19, he was giving full sermons throughout the state and making a name for himself in the realm of preaching, but once he began to uncover contradictions within the Bible’s holy text, he walked away from Christianity and the church. His family turned their back on him, forcing him to embody the role of the ‘black sheep’. Shortly thereafter, he dropped out of school and began pursuing rap and got involved in the streets.

While in the streets, he became increasingly addicted to women, alcohol, weed and fast money. He also struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts. He was then faced with kidney failure and impaired vision. Now on the verge of needing dialysis, a kidney transplant and almost completely blind, Dox had hit rock bottom. His music career was failing, he lost jobs and relationships and was now well on his way to his 2nd suicide attempt and had no intentions of failing. But in the knick of time, a friend of his found him on social media and offered him his online course where he had been teaching meditation.

Through meditation, he learned how to process, release and transmute pain into power through the 8 leveled system of Yoga, but especially through meditation in particular. Dox threw himself into the practice so deeply, that he was able to heal his kidneys; something the doctors told him was impossible. Through meditation, he learned how to process, release and transmute pain into power through the 8 leveled system of Yoga, but especially through meditation in particular. Through the implementation of these sacred practices, he was also able to reverse complete blindness in his left eye!

Dox studied this practice for 4 years primarily to heal himself with no intention of teaching others, but at a retreat he attended, he received orders from spirit that it was time to share what he had been given. Reluctant but obedient, he started his free “Peace in the Park” community meditations in Newark. During his first class, he only had 1 single attendee, but as he continued to honor spirit’s orders, within 3 months, 1 attendee evolved into 50 attendees of all ages; his class was the now the talk of the community!

As a primarily self-taught yogi, counselor, life coach, public speaker and artist, Dox has developed a keen ability to make esoteric teachings palatable, understandable and plain to his audience. In doing so, he has helped himself, as well as hundreds of his clients, out of personal despair.

Many clients give Dox credit for saving their lives because he was able to open up their minds hearts without intentionally taking on the role of a teacher. His purpose is, and continues to be, simply guiding those who need direction toward discovering the divine teacher within themselves.